
No Dice.

In Berlin gibt es viel, von manchem sogar zuviel. Was der Stadt dennoch fehlte, war ein anständiges Fußballmagazin. Eines, das Berlin liebt. Eines, das akzeptiert, dass Messi auf absehbare Zeit nicht hier spielen wird. Eines, das trotzdem ernsthaft und mit Hingabe Berliner Fußball feiert. Keine leichte Aufgabe. Da, wo die geschätzte Fußballwoche die spielerische Leichtigkeit vermissen lässt, fängt No Dice an. Gemacht von Engländern, die in Berlin leben, ist hier neben dem Online-Magazin ein feines, gedrucktes Heft entstanden. Gerade ist die 2.Ausgabe erschienen. Jacob Sweetman, einer der Gründer, schrieb zuvor schon für den „Exberliner„, aber auch für textilvergehen. Grund genug, ihn ein bißchen auszufragen.

Who are the people writing for No Dice?
No Dice was started by me and Stephen Glennon (writers), Ian Stenhouse (photographer / designer), Jude Beadle (online designer) and Emily Sweetman (illustrations).

Why did you start this magazine?
The idea was to create a beautiful looking fanzine. One that tells the stories behind footbball at all levels, as opposed to it being a statistical Nerd magazine.

It´s about football in Berlin, so why is it in English?
It is English because my German is not good enough to write in, but also the language should not matter too much. There is enough beautiful pictures for any fan of football in Berlin, whether they are German, English, Polish or from Mars.

Why is it printed and not just online?
We wanted to make a printed issue because of our love for the old fashioned fanzines – we are an old fashioned bunch- music and art fit together with football perfectly. It is culture. We wanted to represent that in a small way. It is as much about making something beautiful as it is about something clever. The website sits alongside the print issue nicely, because there you will find the up to date stuff- match reports etc. The 2 should fit together for every berlin football fan’s needs.

You are at the very beginning right now, but would you say it works out?
The first issue was a huge success, selling out surpassed all of our hopes for the magazine. Issue 2 is already going some way towards beating that.

Where can I get No Dice?
It is available to buy mail order in Germany or internationally from our website or at

St Georges bookshop, Wortherstr. 27, Prenzlauer Berg
Lird Records, Nogatstr 30, Neukölln
bei Kurihara, 3rd floor, Kunsthaus Tacheles, Mitte

Thanks, Jacob – good luck for you and everybody at No Dice!

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